Monday 20 October 2014

Where to next...?

When I started my path to the current me..these are the goals I set on my MFP profile:

- I want to look hot!
- Be healthy and reduce risk of future problem
- I want to fit into sexy clothes
- Be fit

The ones about wanting to look hot and fit into sexy clothes cracks me up because that one really just comes down to lack of confidence and wanting to feel attractive (which I didn't).
I feel like all of these I can now check off!!!

Jan this year I set a few more realistic goals:
- DONE: Be able to jog at least 5km without stopping by the time Round the Bays fun run comes around at the end of Feb
- DONE: Keep increasing those stats for bootcamp
- DONE: Get out on my very unused bike and be able to ride 10kms without stopping
- Complete the 21km half marathon walk at the end of March: Didn't get around to this one!
- DONE (eventually): Reach 80kgs (26 kg total loss) by my birthday which is the end of March
- DONE (longer than I thought but who cares!): Reach my 30kg loss goal by say..the end of June, mid year
- Kind of done: Buy a new wardrobe when I reach these goals

Overall very happy that apart from the half marathon walk, everything is done...and lets face it training towards a 21Km run is probably more ambitious and way better anyway!
Some took longer than expected but at the end of the day, I just focused on everything I wanted to achieve, kept going, and eventually got there!!

The big question everyone has been asking me is ...what's next?
I've been thinking long and hard about this one.. some of my new goals are a bit silly but it still means working towards something :) A few are ones I never dreamed I would consider as a goal, only because 30kg seemed impossible in itself..but now that I'm there, I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to.

So here we go:
- Lose around another 7-8kgs, this will take me to around 67kg, which is my ideal weight in my eyes. Reaching this, will take me to "normal" BMI. If this takes me 6 months, 12 months..whatever. I don't care. It is my ideal, and how ever long it takes to get there, I am happy. I will keep working as hard as I do now, and I know I will make it.

- I would love to end up with some abs. Another dream of mine. This one will take a long time, as I am now dealing with my left over wobbly bits from losing so much weight in a relatively short time. I hope with a lot more strength training, I can tighten up these areas, and eventually get the muscle definition I dream of.

- Run my first half marathon in Feb next year. Considering 6.5k was my goal this year, I am pretty stoked I've set my sights on such a big jump, but just picturing crossing that finish line gets me excited, so I know this is a good path and challenge to conquer!

And lastly.. this whole journey has awakened a real passion for fitness... sooo I've decided that an ultimate goal would be for me to become involved in group fitness and become an instructor. I feel weird even just writing this down. hahaha. I know that my fitness level needs to increase A LOT, but I am willing to work my ass off to get to that level. There are so many people in this field that I admire and nothing would make me happier than to be able to inspire others like they have me, be super fit, and do something that I love so much.
Everyone knows that my fave is Body Attack... it also has the best instructors! It won't be easy, it will be damn hard but you have to dream big and aim high. If it takes me years to get there, this is fine, but I am determined to eventually get there.
I have butterflies now..

My next post will be about my journey highlights... keep an eye out for that :)

Over and out x

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