Tuesday 26 November 2013

A frustrating week

I worked my butt off this week with the exercising..and unfortunately no results on the scales. I started writing today's entry last night, and the whole post was quite negative (been a difficult week)... woke up today feeling a lot better and my whole perspective has changed..so here we go! 

This week marked the end of week 3 of my fitness boot camp, and I must say, while it’s bloody difficult, and fully getting pushed to my limits, I am really enjoying it. There is a real sense of accomplishment at the end of each session.It’s quite funny because before I started I told the personal trainer taking the sessions that I cannot run, I do find it physically very difficult with my high body weight and the resulting bung knees that come with it. The sessions are sort of adjusted to individual abilities, but of course there is quite a bit of running involved. Yeah I’m slow, yeah I still can’t go for a very long time, but she is really pushing me, and I can actually feel the results, not to mention my heart rate regularly goes up to 180-190 beats per minute J
Prior to boot camp I was able to do short 30 second burst of jogging mixed with 1 minute of walking and repeat a max of about 3 – 4 times before I felt like I was going to die… however I managed to jog around the inside of the gym 4 times without stopping at all, which equated to around 2-3 minutes worth (it felt like 10 minutes), and have also just been noticing that I can go for that little bit longer, and the pain on my legs is not quite as excruciating!
Generally there is a lot of strength / power training involved which I am really enjoying – squats, lunges, burpees (YAY!), press ups, sit ups, tricep dips, wall sits..These awful things called inchworms. Slowly but surely, I am able to manage a few more of these as well. My initial fitness test 6 sessions ago I could barely do 20 of each thing, some even less.. So can’t wait for the next test to see the improvement (I am probably going to regret saying that!)Now there’s only 4 sessions to go! J
My other training this week was mainly walking and a bit of jogging, generally for at least 40mins (and in the rain!), and yesterday I did a nice long 1hr 30min walk as well.
My totals this week for exercise are around the same as last week… The main difference being that last week I did way more strength exercises…and this week it was mainly walking. So I am quite surprised that nothing translated to the scales. Should it really make that much of a difference? It’s frustrating that the first 10kgs basically fell off me, but since then it has slowed so much, even though I am working harder! The body seriously makes no sense. If anyone has the answer to why this happens...please share!
Another thing that’s been particularly difficult is every now and again there will be a few negative remarks made by people, whether it’s in person or on my Facebook updates and photos, or criticising the way I do things and generally just being idiotic. I really don’t know if those people mean it, or they are trying to be funny, or ignorant or just being stupid. I guess one can’t expect support at all times, and I may just be too sensitive, but when you are putting so much effort into something, certain comments can really get you down. I suppose I just need to look at it as another challenge to overcome as part of the entire journey... and it makes me want to work harder.
It can just be mentally difficult to have a clear goal, and be getting so close to it that I can almost taste the success...and then nothing obvious happens.
On the plus side, my clothes are starting to look worse and worse on me every single week. A pair of pants I bought in June which were too small when I bought them (couldn’t do up the buttons), now look really baggy on me, slip down and make me look like I’m wearing a sack haha. Even the belt I bought in July, which I already had to put an extra hole in while we were in Europe, needs at least another 4 holes put in so I can tighten it enough!
I guess these are the victories I need to focus on in the meantime.
The plan of attack for next week is getting back to 30 day shred programme & swimming, along with boot camp. Looking a bit further ahead, with only 2 weeks to go till the end of boot camp and the possibility of there being another one, I’ve decided I’m going to go again! I have really been enjoying it!
That’s it for this week! 

1 comment:

  1. Those are great NSV's ( non scale victories). Onwards & downwards!!!
