Friday 30 May 2014

Things I learned this week!

I've gotten into the 'daily grind' over the last few months so I decided to really think about weekly achievements, anything I've learned, lessons I've picked up... or just things I've realised. This is what I have learned this week:

I am addicted to body attack classes
I kind of already knew this but it was well and truly confirmed when I woke up last night in a bit of a panic after just experiencing a 'nightmare' that I turned up to Friday mornings class, rearing to go, to be told it was cancelled and moved to a lunch time spot. I remember thinking how I was going to make it work in the future with work etc but I was determined to do it. So yup..fully addicted / obsessed / crazy. Find out about this class here ..I love Les Mills and if you have one in your town and thinking of joining a gym...can't get better than LM :)

Don't over do the exercise
Because of said obsession, I decided it would be a grand idea to do a 30min attack class after my 45min boot camp on Monday. I did this the previous week, and was..bearable. While I got through both sessions.. the result was that I could hardly move and walk for three days straight.
Final bootcamp session on Wednesday was interesting to say the least!
What I learned from this is - no matter how much you love something, how much of an accomplishment it feels like to do more and to feel it in your muscles later.. there is no point over stressing your body. Do what you enjoy but also listen to your body..and when it says no, listen. In saying that - there is a huge difference between actually feeling like you shouldn't do anymore because you could injure yourself vs just can't be bothered.

Monday 26 May 2014

The closer you are, the harder you have to work

Hi guys :)

Hope everyone is well, and whatever it is you're aspiring towards, that you're keeping on track!

I've hit another plateau unfortunately, I'm stuck at just over 25kg lost. I'm not happy about it...but I'm not too worried. I have been doing a bit of research lately and it seems it's normal that the closer you get to goal, the slower it gets. Thankfully, my measurements are also still going down slowly .. in two months I've lost a total of 8.5cm in a variety of areas.

I'm realising now how quickly your body can get used to and adapt to the same exercises, or certain ways of eating, so I really have to make sure I change up my routine slightly every month or so, and also increase the intensity, and tweak my diet. I wish there was some easy formula! Instead, it's a lot of trial and error!

Monday 5 May 2014

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you

Hi everyone!

Just checking in to say I am still here..still getting on with it of course. I'm pretty sure I've hit yet another plateau but I am not freaking out or worrying like last time.
I am reminding myself every day to remain patient and I know that the last few kilos will be the hardest to get rid of...technically they have been there the longest. Around 10 years even, so I can't just expect it to melt off!

In the meantime, I thought I'd give you guys an insight into the types of exercise I do.
A quote I came across very early on in this journey, but one that has stayed with me to this day and I try to remember with every training session is this:

I make every workout I do 'challenging' and give it 100%, otherwise what's the point?