Monday 5 May 2014

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you

Hi everyone!

Just checking in to say I am still here..still getting on with it of course. I'm pretty sure I've hit yet another plateau but I am not freaking out or worrying like last time.
I am reminding myself every day to remain patient and I know that the last few kilos will be the hardest to get rid of...technically they have been there the longest. Around 10 years even, so I can't just expect it to melt off!

In the meantime, I thought I'd give you guys an insight into the types of exercise I do.
A quote I came across very early on in this journey, but one that has stayed with me to this day and I try to remember with every training session is this:

I make every workout I do 'challenging' and give it 100%, otherwise what's the point?
I find that having a varied routine really helps. I like doing lots of different things, but at the same time I do enjoy repetition to some extent, and knowing that I am always guaranteed a great workout with the options that I do have.

Firstly, exercise in the morning ROCKS. You get it out of the way for the day, and because you've worked so hard, you're more likely to behave with what you eat, and it also really kick starts your day and energises you. I find exercising in the afternoons a lot more mentally challenging.

I aim to get a total of around 4 to 5 hours of exercise done in a week, and that is usually broken up to about 5 or 6 session being around 45 - 60 minutes each. I don't think it needs to be any longer, and I certainly do not want to spend my spare time in the gym for hours on end! As long as you do the right type of exercises, and you go hard for that shorter period of time, you can get a better benefit than putting in moderate effort for more than an hour :)

My fave things at the moment are doing weights circuits with machines or free weights, combined with some high intensity cardio like sprints on a treadmill, rowing machine, bike etc.  I will usually do this 2 or 3 times a week.

I also really love doing group fitness classes at the gym, they are super motivating, awesome music and it really helps the time fly by! If you go to a gym, I'd really recommend trying out a class.
My favourite classes at my local gym (Les Mills) are:
BodyStep - Cardio class using a step, lots of jumping around, cool moves (lol).
BodyAttack - sports inspired cardio, lots of high intensity peaks and some conditioning stuff in there too, and finally,
BodyCombat - martial arts inspired cardio class.
I'll generally get in at least 2 classes per week just because I love it so much!

When I want a quick but effective workout I will do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on a treadmill. Usually 1min of flat out sprinting alternating with 1min walk... times 10. It's a killer, but it only takes 25 mins all up so can't complain there!

I also try to do as much running as I can so I aim for at least one or two outdoor 5K runs a week .. I need to brave the weather a bit more now and not use that as an excuse!

You guys have all heard me rave about the few rounds of boot camp I have done now.. it honestly changed my life, and I started the next 4 week round :) I am super excited to be changing up a gear again!

Boot camp is generally a mix of body weight strength exercises and cardio stuff like squats, lunges, push ups,  sit ups, burpees, bit of running/sprints, squat jumps, prone holds / planks etc. Basically we would do all sorts of different circuits around these, and lots of reps!
The reason why exercise like this is great is because you get a whole body work out without needing any equipment, you can do it basically anywhere, and when one body part gets tired, you move onto the next one, so it's actually achievable! Combining the strength moves with the heart pumping cardio stuff is also great interval type training.
If you really want a kick up the bum with fitness, I would recommend joining a fitness boot camp of some sort.

If you're serious about exercising, there are so many options out there..and you don't need the gym to get started. Sure it's nice to have, but there are tonnes of things you can do outside of it for free and heaps of resources you can consult for options :) I didn't join a gym till about 3 months ago, and I'd lost 19kg on my own before that! It's doable.. You just have to want it bad enough :)
The key though is really just to get off the couch..and do something!

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