Wednesday 26 March 2014

A quarter through 2014 & keeping on track

Hi guys

I've been pretty excited about my new approach for the latest step in my weight loss journey. 
I have gotten into a different routine at the gym, have tried out a lot of new things, started my weights training, gave kettlebells a go (and will continue) and also have been eating more.
I also feel a lot less pressured now, even though the pressure was coming from myself, I've been working hard to keep a positive frame of mind and give myself a break.

I hopped on those scales on the weekend and surprisingly, had a loss! Down to 82.8 kgs, after being stuck on a plateau of 83.3 kgs for almost a month. Progress is progress right!

Sunday 16 March 2014

Obstacles happen... overcome them

Hi guys :)

Sorry I've been a bit quiet for the past few weeks, I have been doing some major soul searching and re-evaluating. 

Two weeks ago I experienced something I haven't gone through before in my weight loss / get fit journey. All my positivity slipped away and yes, I had a melt down. When I realised that I was well and truly in the dreaded 'plateau' stage I freaked out. Hoping for some good news, I re-took my body measurements, which showed no results, and because I was stupid enough to do it at the end of the day rather than the morning, some measurements even showed as going up.
It pushed me to breaking point and yeah, I had a bit of a cry. 
The frustration and disappointment in myself at that moment was so overwhelming. Just knowing that I am so close to reaching my goal, and I'm working so so hard, it felt like a cruel joke that my body would give up on me now. 
Throughout this journey I have made it my mission to remain positive at all times, and not sure what exactly it was that pushed me over the edge, but I guess everyone has their time.

Saturday 1 March 2014

It's not always easy

I have been majorly struggling for the past two weeks or so, having constant internal battles and I am not actually sure what is up with me.
I haven't lost motivation or my commitment to myself and my goals, but I've just generally been feeling very down about everything.

Maybe it's because I've reached a couple of big goals and achievements with my 6.5km run and the end of boot camp so now its a bit of a low afterwards, kind of like a "well what do I do now?" feeling, could be stress, tiredness?

The problem is not getting myself to the gym or doing a workout, the biggest problem I think is that I've been experiencing extreme feelings of guilt.  I workout 6 days a week, and push myself hard each time, so why I even feel guilty, I don't really know, but I do constantly feel like I haven't done enough exercise on a particular day or week, haven't burnt as many calories as I wanted to, having had a higher calorie intake a couple of times a week, even if its only by a small amount, and just generally feeling guilty because I don't think I've done enough.