Monday 26 May 2014

The closer you are, the harder you have to work

Hi guys :)

Hope everyone is well, and whatever it is you're aspiring towards, that you're keeping on track!

I've hit another plateau unfortunately, I'm stuck at just over 25kg lost. I'm not happy about it...but I'm not too worried. I have been doing a bit of research lately and it seems it's normal that the closer you get to goal, the slower it gets. Thankfully, my measurements are also still going down slowly .. in two months I've lost a total of 8.5cm in a variety of areas.

I'm realising now how quickly your body can get used to and adapt to the same exercises, or certain ways of eating, so I really have to make sure I change up my routine slightly every month or so, and also increase the intensity, and tweak my diet. I wish there was some easy formula! Instead, it's a lot of trial and error!

I was looking at my heart rate monitor stats from December / January and comparing them to now out of curiosity and was actually quite shocked at the results. I have consciously been trying to increase my intensity, whether it's running faster, or taking some of the more difficult options within the classes I go to; and my average heart rate per workout is actually higher now than it used to be, and I'm still hitting similar max heart rates of around the 180bpm mark. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it feels awesome to know that as I am getting fitter, I have been able to keep pushing myself, rather than sailing through a workout just because it got easier.
There is that quote out there which says "it doesn't get easier, you just get better".. on a lot of levels, that is true, but you do really have to keep pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone if you want continued results.

I think because I know I am now working a lot harder than I used to, but the weight loss has slowed, it's a bit more annoying, but I know my body will catch up. I know I'm building up the muscle nicely now with the strength training I have been doing..I can actually see some more defined muscles on my arms, and I am able to lift heavier than when I started. Yay! Have to hold onto those 'non-scale victories'.
I'm in this for the long haul, so few months in the grand scheme of things is not going to make a difference :)

This is why am I focusing on making the process as enjoyable as possible. I am absolutely loving my increase in fitness... the fact that I can now do some more of the technical/difficult moves in my fave cardio class (body attack) really makes me so happy!! Some of them are so hard and absolutely kill me after a few goes but damn it feels good afterwards.
I'm at the last week of boot camp (4 weeks total)...which makes me sad, and I hope to do another one soon! I was scared of doing it again after a two month break, but I still love it and it's great being able to keep up now. I feel like I've come a long way since my first one back in October last year.

Lastly I just wanted to touch on really how important this is:

Get rid of the negativity in your life... and do this! I think this has been one of the key reasons why I have been able to keep going.

I cannot even put into words the gratitude I feel towards the people who motivate and inspire me on a daily basis... whether it's during a workout and its my amazing PT or some of the amazing group fitness instructors at my gym. These are the people who have helped me push through on so many occasions, and really let me believe that I am capable ...and actually enjoy becoming fit, and helping me achieve my goals.
Of course this goes for my family/friends and fellow weight loss buddies too, who help with mental side of this journey.
I'm going to hold onto all of you!! :)

You can check out one of my previous posts about what sort of other things keep me motivated on this long road to success here.

My next goal is to fit into a pair of skinny jeans.. I've always wanted a pair, but it was always a no go for me.. I've tried some on recently, and I can actually 'just' make it into a few ...but they're not perfect, so watch this space haha.

Thanks for reading :)

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