Sunday 27 July 2014

I am a lucky lady...

Hi everyone!

Thought I'd give a little update on how July is going for me so far.
After losing my dear Cindy I felt really really down and it's been a bit of an uphill struggle trying to focus on the good things in life to at least distract me from the sadness I felt. In a lot of ways I have just blocked out the memory of losing her and have been trying to move forward, otherwise the feelings can all get a bit overwhelming.
I've been making sure to surround myself with people that absolutely motivate me and radiate positivity and have been trying to do things that I really enjoy...and as a result I am feeling a lot better than I was four weeks ago.

With all the crap stuff that's been happening around the world, it really makes you realise how precious life is. I have been focusing on appreciating just how lucky I am. I have a supportive and loving family, a great group of amazing friends, awesome fitness friends and lovely colleagues. I have a job, I am healthy, I am happy. I honestly could not ask for more in this life. Sure, we can strive to improve and I am working hard to make sure I do, but when I take a step back and focus on the basics, I realise that I am very lucky.

I think it's also very important to appreciate yourself and love yourself. The focus of the boot camp I have just started is body love and acceptance. I am so proud of what I have achieved so far in terms of reducing my size and increasing fitness and generally I now feel happy in my skin, but I am also guilty of still having fat days or picking on certain things I am not happy about. So for the next 12 weeks as part of the Body Love challenge ... it's all going to be about accepting me for me and working harder on becoming even healthier and fitter. I've already broken my dependence on the scales, now only weighing myself once a month, which has been a great step!

To keep moving forward throughout this journey I have found it very important to set myself goals...short term and obviously long term ones.  Putting your goals out there, writing them down etc also really works, and you're more likely to follow through with them. There is always something to work towards.. for me it is to brave doing a Grit Cardio class (a short and sharp 30 min high intensity interval training). The thought of it freaks me out. My goal is to get to one within the next couple of weeks, rip off that band aid and just get it done! I am guessing I will fall in love with it like I have with other things I used to find "too hard".. but still, taking that first step, can be a bit daunting.
I also really really need to get back into running, I've neglected it for the past few months, but I still want to do 21k next year at Round the bays, which now is only 7 months away!!! So basically I've got to get moving. To achieve this, I will do at least 1 run per week to ease myself back into it. Most of my running fitness is gone.. so I really hope I can build it up again!

This post has been a bit all over the place, but I guess what I am getting at is..appreciate all things, and stay positive.


Thanks for reading!!

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