Monday 18 May 2015

The squiggly road to success

This image right here is my theme for the moment. As I've mentioned before, when I sum up my journey to date, it's all been relatively smooth sailing. I've been incredibly lucky actually. Yes I worked hard, yes it was hard, but I did it.

Confession: As of now I am back to the weight and body measurements I was around June/July last year, when I had my first big down period. 
Frustrating, yes. But I am dealing with it. 

When I got measured over the weekend and I saw the numbers had gone up, I accepted it. I didn't burst out crying like I have previous times, because I know that it will all be okay in the end, and I will get back on track. Life would be too easy if I could drop 30kgs in 18 months, and keep it off with no effort required. That is not reality.

After talking to my PT and judging on how I am feeling in general, I think the biggest factor here for me has been stress. On going stresses in life cause an increase of the hormone cortisol to be produced in our bodies which slows down the metabolism, basically puts your body into a state where it stores fat, especially around the belly, often means you eat more as well, and generally feel tired and sluggish. Since December I don't feel like I've had that same spring in my step as I used to and I am constantly tired.  I am actually going to visit my doctor tomorrow to check out a few other things like iron levels and the like, and hopefully get my energy back somehow. I feel like if I can do that.. I'll be away running.

I am very much living week to week at the moment. Some have been great, others not so much, but any little success is celebrated. I've managed to stick to my minimum two early morning sessions goal which is a great start!!

Next week I will be starting the Change Fitness run group, which is a 6 week long programme, twice a week to help people achieve their running goals by incorporating a variety of training techniques, and of course it's within a supportive group environment. It perfectly lines up with my next half marathon, so this is something I am really excited about. Being told what to do when I exercise has always worked well for me :)

I've been going to Body Attack at least once a week, sometimes twice for the last month now and oh boy, there is a lot of room for improvement. Mid to late last year, I was capable of doing most of the higher intensity options... I am only just managing the middle ones at the moment. I don't feel as fit as I used to, but I guess that's to be expected when I changed my focus to endurance style fitness. I do love it so much though. There's nothing quite like having awesome music, being yelled at by an awesome instructor, and having the group motivation feels. I. LOVE. IT.

This isn't going to be a huge post.. I guess I am just acknowledging now more than ever, that the road to success is squiggly. I also acknowledge that while this is a huge part of my life, it's not all of it. Life is there to be enjoyed, it's not for stressing about weight. I still feel like I am doing the best I can manage at the moment, and that is great in itself.

This is  picture of me holding the 30kgs worth of sugar I'd lost after hitting my weight loss goal in November last year. While I may be temporarily carrying a small bag of sugar's not there to stay. Plus I still fit those jeans :)

"To be successful, remember one key idea, weight loss is a continuing journey for life, rather than a numerical destination for the moment." 
(source: here)

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