Saturday 4 January 2014

2014 - The year for success

What a year 2013 was... I had a lot of amazing experiences and achievements both in the personal sense and fitness wise. 

These past eight months have actually been the longest positive relationship I have had with myself, my health and my fitness. This has also been the longest serious commitment I've made.
It sounds scary to think that this is the case, when it's not even been that long, but honestly, it's the best decision I ever made. I just want to keep going... I have not been happier in my life and I feel like a different person. It is amazing just how quickly things change.

They say that in order to really get results for any sort of health/fitness/weight-loss regime, it has to be a lifestyle change, and that's probably one of the most important 'real' things I've heard along the way, because it is so true.

Some of the main achievements and highlights of 2013 for me were:
  • Being able to run 2.6kms in one go...rather than the 50m I was managing in May
  • Being able to handle higher intensity workouts, and craving these over the easy options
  • Switching to a healthier way of eating and being able to maintain it & enjoy it
  • Cutting out junk food and my dependency on unhealthy foods
  • No longer getting shin splints and horrible body aches after a couple minutes of exercise (my weight couldn't handle it!)
  • As embarrassing as this one is, I am now able to tie my shoes and pick things up off the floor without feeling like my belly is in the way and restricting me
  • Now fit into regular sized 14/16 pants depending on brand - previously size 20
  • Reduced body weight by 19kgs (I dont want to say lost anymore, because I ain't getting it back!)
  • Better self esteem and no longer depressed when I look in the mirror 
  • Now enjoy working out daily
Eeeee this list makes me happy!

Bootcamp wise, I finished round 2 (7 sessions) a couple of days before Christmas, and happy to say I got some great improvements again.

Yoyo running test (faster and harder version this time) 
(run two times 20m, walk 10m)
Initial: stage 4.4
Retest: stage 6.2 - increase of 30 lengths in total :) yay!

Squats  (as many as possible in 2 minutes)
End of round 1: 68
Retest: 91

Burpees (as many as possible in 2 minutes)
End of round 1: 33
Retest: 33 (Lol! these are damn hard)

Push ups (on knees) (as many as possible without stopping/slowing down)
End of round 1: 32
Retest: 35

Plank / Prone hold
End of Round 1: 1min 12 seconds
Retest: 1min 32 seconds

Out of all of the improvements I am most proud of the running and the squats.. I really need to work on those burpees!

And finally to finish off, I have been thinking about what I want to achieve this year. The list will probably grow, but these are my goals for the first 6 months of the year:
  • Be able to jog at least 5km without stopping by the time Round the Bays fun run comes around at the end of Feb
  • Keep increasing those stats for bootcamp (starting again in a week..can't wait!)
  • Get out on my very unused bike and be able to ride 10kms without stopping
  • Complete the 21km half marathon walk at the end of March
  • Reach 80kgs (26 kg total loss) by my birthday which is the end of March
  • Reach my 30kg loss goal by say..the end of June, mid year
  • Buy a new wardrobe when I reach these goals (with some key pieces in between because my old stuff looks terrible on me now, and new stuff lasts about 8 weeks before it also looks a bit silly!)

Happy New Year everyone... I look forward to continued progress and milestones being reached. And I wish everyone else the same for their goals. You can do it! 

Six months from now, you're going to wish you started today...