Tuesday 17 December 2013

Being irrational...but still got results!

Hi guys

The last week has been pretty great, apart from the fact that I had a pretty bad cold for about 3 days which meant I missed a day of boot camp and the little bit I tried to do (walking) was exhausting too!
By Wednesday I was feeling a whole lot better though, so I picked up my game and did a couple of longer runs, went hard at boot camp and on Saturday went to an intense class at the gym 600 calories burnt yay!

Here is a breakdown of the happenings of last week.

Food update: 
I have been having real troubles with eating and keeping to my allocated 1300 calories in the last couple of weeks, relating to all of the extra and different Holiday outings and food on offer. I basically have been freaking out and feel super guilty when I go way over my allowance. For example, on the weekend after my big workout at the gym, we decided to have subway for dinner. I thought what the heck, I've earnt it to have some takeaways and easy dinner. 
I got the new flat bread option thinking it would be 'healthy' and good for me. I ate it and it was good.. but then went to log it, and was horrified to work out it ended up being 1000 calories, and quite a lot more than the normal bread option.  I felt like all of my hard work for that day was out the window, and I ended up being 'over' by about 400 calories. I guess it also feels like a bit of a rip off when you think you are treating yourself to something good, and it ends up being..not.

I've been told not to feel guilty, but I think I feel this way because I've been logging everything religiously for the past 9 months, and not ever going over (or only very little or at least making up for it with the exercise) but recently even with this taken into account, there's been too many of these slip ups. It makes me worry that somehow I'm going to undo all of my work? 
It's most likely irrational fears.. but anyway, its something I'm battling with at the moment. I'm trying to reel myself back in not to get too obsessed, but it really is hard!

Fitness Update: 
I am up to the end of week 2 of the couch to 5k programme and while I am finding it a bit harder, I am getting through it, and regularly doing another half of the programme again after my initial 30 minutes because I want to keep going :) 
It's a great feeling, but at this point my goal of doing at least 5 kms by the time the 6.4km race comes around at the end of February, it seems so hard and almost out of reach.  I know I can do it, but there is that little bit of self doubt.

Overall, I am really pleased with my progress with the running so far. I managed to run approx 800m in one go without stopping, which is just so huge for me. And this was after completing 30 minutes of the couch to 5k session already! 
I must have been at about the 400m mark when I felt like I really couldn't keep going, but somehow managed to push through that 'wall', and made it to the end with a little sprint to boot! 

The sense of achievement I feel at the end of a massive workout effort, really inspires me to keep going, and to get the most I possibly can from each session I do. Which probably explains why I get bored with easy/fun options...it's just not challenging enough!

In terms of weight loss, I am happy to report I have lost another 800 grams (despite my food freak outs)...and now at 88.9 kgs. I feel amazing now being properly under the 90 kg goal I set myself for Christmas. And now I'm only 3kgs from reaching 20kgs total loss!!
Onwards and upwards (downwards?) I say! 

I will do another post before 2013 is out.

I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas break. :)

And finally my favourite motivational quote for the week:


  1. Hey there, I stumbled upon this on MyfitnessPal forum, I'm Kate from New Zealand, very similar stats, 5'4", started out at 105kg and in October weight 99kg, since then I have been doing the couch to 5k (completed at running speed 8 on the tradmill) now trying the 5k run forever app
    Now weighing 86kg as of today!
    Sorry if this is all about me I just feel we have very similar stats and weight goals, I would love to be 67kg (a healthy bmi)
    I guess my point is good luck, I will check in and see how your progress goes!

    1. Hi :) no worries at all, I really like talking to others on the same journey and personally find it helps to find someone with similar goals and stats too :)
      Well done on the new weigh in...thats seriously awesome :) feel free to add me on MFP :)
