Sunday 1 December 2013

Christmas came early!

Going to keep this short and simple... My goal was to reach 90 kgs by christmas, and this week I achieved that goal. I am officially now under 90 at 89.7 kgs bringing my total weight loss to just over 16 kgs.

I am beyond words happy. I have not had my weight start with an eight in at least 10 years. And to now only be less than 5kgs from reaching my initial goal of losing 20 kgs is unbelievable.
When I started this whole thing in May, I felt like I was at the bottom of a very very large mountain, 30 kgs seemed like it could never happen (its actually why I set my initial goal to 20 kgs), but now that so much has changed and improved with everything, suddenly it all seems possible. 
I know I can do it :)

Here are some pictures comparing what I looked like middle of September, and what I look like now. 

The interesting part is, that even though the weight difference is only 5kgs, I feel like it looks like a lot more, especially considering my first 10kgs lost didn't show this drastically. I feel like my body is actually re-shaping itself now :) it's so exciting!!


  1. Well done! The difference is inredible, especially your stomach and thighs.
