Tuesday 10 November 2015

Where has the time gone...

Just had a wee look at when my last proper blog post was... it was at the 10 week mark (read here). Ummm where has the time gone?! It is now 24 days to go. DAYS.

The last 6 weeks of training have especially been full on with lots of big brick sessions (where we do all of the disciplines one after another), more swimming in the open water, and just generally longer and harder. Each one is an accomplishment in itself.

About 10 days ago I completed a 115km cycle in Martinborough...it took 6 hours. Previous biggest was 80km and that was a few months ago. This was legit the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. Going into it, I knew it would be hard but by hour four I was ready to give up. The finish line felt very very far away and it took every single bit of my brain and willpower to make it. All I knew is that while I felt like I wanted to quit, I knew that I couldn't and I didn't truly want to. Let's just say there was a lot of swearing and complaining, but I made it!
I am also happy to report that I have finally graduated to clip in cycle shoes, have gone through busy intersections, been on the motorway and I've not fallen off again!
After this big cycle experience, I have confidence that I can finish at Ironmaori... at least I don't have to ride for 6hrs. That's a comforting thought.

We have one more big training session this weekend...a practice run triathlon... and after that it's basically tapering off.

My body feels broken, I feel like I am getting strains and pain almost all the time now and in areas I didn't know existed. It's taking me longer and longer to recover from each weekend, both mentally and physically. Pretty exhausted, and combined with a busy period at work...I am ready to crash every night. What's getting me through now is knowing that the ultimate finish line is almost here.
This journey has been a big step up, so I guess it's no wonder I am feeling a little broken.. haha :)

The last few days I've been reflecting on how far I have come. It was only two years ago that I started working out on a regular basis.(My blog from 2yrs ago about my first fitness test at boot camp ...read here.)
It was only two years ago that I got my heart rate up to over my maximum by doing one length of a gym as a warm up jog. I got puffed walking up stairs. I found simple things like bending over and tying up my shoes difficult.
A short 24 months later, I have done a bunch of events, 115kms cycling, 2 half marathons, regularly doing training of 2+ hours, I am a duathlete and about to be a triathlete, not even a regular triathlete...but a 1/2 ironman triathlete.
When I think about everything that I have achieved fitness wise in what is a very short chunk of my almost 30 years of life, I am astounded. I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform in a certain way, but this puts it into perspective for me. I am so grateful for everything that I am able to do.

This December will be hard to top, but it will be proof for me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to, and despite various challenges thrown my way, I am strong enough to push through.
I am so looking forward to crossing my finish line.

This is for all of us who think we "can't".... just know that actually yes, you can.

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