Tuesday 18 February 2014

What motivates you?

Hi guys,

Finding motivation can be really difficult, which can apply to any goal you have, or anything you are working towards. This is why it is so important to find something that can inspire and motivate you on a regular basis, so when you have a bad day, you remind yourself of these, and keep powering on ahead. 

Whenever I lose a bit of motivation I look wherever I can to be inspired to get up off my butt and do SOMETHING. Whether it's reading blogs, inspirational quotes or just as simple as seeing a friend putting effort in (and me not!). 

Like with my goals, I try to set short and long term motivators..things that will help me get through that difficult work out, and the things that will get me to the ultimate goal I want to reach.

Long term motivators:
  • I want to look hot (terrible that this is number 1 isn't it...hehe)
  • Be healthy and reduce the risk of future problems
  • Be fit
  • I want to fit into normal (and sexy) clothing
  • Have better self confidence and self esteem
While these are awesome, it doesn't exactly help to yell these at myself when I am struggling through a difficult work out, procrastinating, plateauing or generally just experiencing a difficult couple of weeks. A really good place to start if you're even struggling to get out the door, is get changed into your exercise gear..and go to where you need to be. The chances are, if you've made the effort to go this far, you won't turn around and go home, and actually end up doing something (even if its not much, it's better than nothing!)

I get through by reminding myself that the workout I have to get through is only 45 minutes (or whatever it is), I can make it to the end, because it's really not that long! 

Weight loss Shrinking eszter fitness motivation inspiration
It doesn't matter that I might not be as good as others, not super fit, I can still do what I can, and carry on to the absolute best of my abilities. This is what makes me push harder. I know as long as I challenge myself, I am not cheating myself.

The feeling I get at an end of a workout also motivates me to push through. There is always a huge feeling accomplishment, knowing that I gave it my all. 
I used to be the girl that said "I can't" all the time, now I often surprise myself and just how much I am capable of, and that is because I push myself every single time, and at the very least I give everything a go!

Other things that really help with achieving goals, is having a good support network. Whether its for the mental side of things, or having a workout buddy. Surround yourself with family, friends, like minded people...anyone who will be positive and support you on your journey. There is always someone / somewhere I can turn to so I can get some inspiration :) 
It really is so important to surround yourself with positive influences.

Finally, even though it's not really a motivator as such, I think it's very important to remember that we all have bad days, and it's okay to have bad days. You just have to pick yourself up, and start fresh the next day and give it your all. Remain positive. There is absolutely no reason why you should beat yourself up. 

My lovely personal trainer Courtney Durr posted this today and it really inspired me so I need to share it:

"Success is a long journey that begins with a decision to take all of your strength, courage, faith, tenacity & fearlessly take that first step forward knowing you cannot & will not fail. That first step is followed by another & another until moving in the right direction becomes natural. It becomes a part of you & is no longer something you struggle for, its just something that you do. There are no short cuts. You have to be prepared to push on when your body is tired & your mind is screaming for you to quit. That moment is when the depth of your conviction & belief in the vision that is embedded in your soul must drive you through to create your destiny.

It is up to you to take steps against the grain, against all odds, against all negative influences, against all the nonbelievers & move forward daily with all of your heart. It is up to you to believe in yourself. It's up to you to have the courage to be the best. It is up to you to never settle."

What motivates you? Where do you find your inspiration?
Share below!

Weight loss Shrinking eszter fitness motivation inspiration

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